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27 August 2010

Off the river and on the job

Due to the economy our river season ended a few trips early in the third week in August. Since then we've been recuperating from the summer and getting to work on the house.

For the past month, nothing had happened on the house, until last week when our well went in - 108 feet deep. The trench is dug to the well, and our pump and water line should be installed next week.

Well and water line trench

We've been mostly planning and laying out the plumbing and electric, which we plan to do ourselves. Not very rewarding since most of the work is in your head, but needs to be done. Monday and Tuesday we head to Boise for a major supply run, so things will get more hands on next week.

The excavator came back to do some grading around the house and began the boulder retaining wall on the south side of the house. We will eventually extend a porch off this end of the house, and we place some very large boulders as footers for the support posts. While placing 5000 pound boulders is far from an exact science, it seems to be turning out quite well.

Placing the first boulder - probably 3 tons or more.

The boulder wall is partiall complete.

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