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04 January 2011

Why we live here...

Now that things are finally slowing down with the house, Sara and I actually had some time to go skiing. We skied from the house two days in a row, altough it was hard to motivate in the sub-zero temps. The second day, we got going early and climbed above the inversion before it burned off. Beautiful!

Finishing and desk

We wanted something a little fancier for a desk, but for the time being we did something simple and cheap. With a file cabinet, ashelf built from leftover trim, and an IKEA butcherblock counter that matches the kitchen, we built a decent, functional desk.

Also, did some finishing touches in the kitchen. Added a third shelf to the left of the sink, and added metal rails to the right of the sink for hanging utensils and such. You'll also notice the spice racks.